Gabriela Gomes Fernandes
PhD student - Psychology

PhD Project
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Supervisors: Jean-Claude MARTIN (LISN), Xavier SANCHEZ (CIAMS), Brian RAVENET (LISN)
Funding: CNRS GDR Sport et Activité Physique Start date: October, 2022
This thesis project studies personality and the emotional aspects underlying physical activity in health and performance contexts.
We investigate the impact of regulatory orientation and social emotions on long-term running motivation. The objective of the thesis is twofold: to understand the determinants of motivation in sport-health and sport-performance running, and, secondly, to design and develop a personalized mobile application to motivate individuals in the long term to adhere to running activities.
The Theory of Regulatory Orientation (Higgins, 2012) proposes a theoretical model which identifies two motivational systems referring to needs, objectives, strategies, and emotions which are differentiated and measurable: promotion focus and prevention focus. Self-determination theory (Deci, Ryan, 2009) identifies different types of motivation - intrinsic and extrinsic - and associates them with the well-being experienced by individuals. In addition, this theory determines three basic psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and affiliation.
Site Belvédère : Campus Universitaire bât.507/508 - Rue du Belvédère 91405 - Orsay.
Groupe CPU | Bâtiment 508 | Bureau 207 | Ecole doctorale : SSMMH | email : gabriela.gomes-fernandes@universite-paris-saclay.fr